Come join us for a drink at club canvas on the 20th of December and feast your eyes on a fine selection of affordable street art canvases and photography prints from all around the globe!
Street art canvases from:
Graphic Surgery, Nol, Luke da Duke, Mr.176, iamdoom, Roy Schreuder, Snub23, Laser 3.14, FarkFK, IvesOne, FAKE, Penny, Ian Phenna, Nine-O, Indigo, Fin DAC and Martin Squires.
And photography work from:
Gui Christ. Stéphane Giner, Mark Osborne, David Richardson, Dana Maltby, Trevor Williams, Paulo Dourado, Paul Dyson, Luca Rossato, Jens Rösner, Sarah Lee, Carl W. Heindl, Gonzago Manso, Roberto Venegoni, Anthony Cronin and Tang Chan
See a selection of the works in the slideshow below or check it out at flickr. For prices and avaiability, contact us at contact{at}cfye.com
Check the slide show here: slideshow