donderdag 25 augustus 2011


Tears are shed while you are forced to sit in the dark corner
You dream of valleys, mesas and meadows
You dream of honeydew
You dream of what we once were
You dream of a life beyond the life consumption
You dream of something new

They transformed living into a throttle contract
Refusing you to read the small print
Your mind knows you have to run havoc
But fluoridation stripped you of your will

You can feel them watching you
Listening in on you
Desecrating one’s will
You are here only to serve baby
And to pay dehumanizing bills

Every time the threshold of perception beckons
It’s greeted with ridicule or a hail of bullets
So we can weep afterwards

Baby modern day fascism exists on both sides
There’s no middle ground any more
All nuances obliterated
We walk on trapdoors