maandag 11 augustus 2008


Taste the nectar of being transcendent
Enlightenment in middle of the crack
Dash of black in white
A dash of white in black
Everything is one and one and one alone
Who would’ve thought of that?

The prince lifted up
The stars shone in him
A snake as a hat
Lotuses followed him in his very first steps
Who would’ve thought of that?

Don’t pull the string too tight and or will snap
Keep it just there and you can play
Monograms, anagrams
Symbiosis, parasitism
Let’s see beyond
There’s no hole in the hat
Who would’ve thought of that?

Silence the voice
Silence the mind
Drift beyond the notion of time
The earth is not round
The mirror is not flat
Who would’ve thought of that?

Geen opmerkingen: